

    The local cuisine of Dongshan is another aspect that deserves attention. The town's proximity to the sea provides an abundance of fresh seafood, which plays a prominent role in the local dishes. Dongshan is famous for its seafood delicacies, such as steamed fish, braised abalone, and stir-fried shrimp. The combination of fresh ingredients and skilled cooking techniques results in a delightful culinary experience that leaves a lasting impression on visitors. Exploring the diverse flavors of Dongshan's cuisine is like embarking on a gastronomic journey, where one can savor the essence of the town's unique culinary traditions.


    每当(dāng )夜幕降临,街头巷(xiàng )尾渐渐(jiàn )变得寂静(jìng )。大(🦁)部分人都已(yǐ )沉浸在梦乡(xiāng )中(🐞),只有(yǒu )少数(shù )人依然(🐟)清醒。对(duì )于这些(xiē )人来说(shuō ),深夜是一(yī )个特殊的(de )时刻,是他们与世(shì )界独处的时候。


